Sunday, January 29, 2006

I can see you even when I dream

Thursday, January 26, 2006

When you're on the track
There's no looking back
Take a chance
You've put it in your pocket
Between the limelight
And the midnights
You've made a change
You got what you wanted.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Finger weaver strands together
Flax and fibre with the timbre
Of steel and stones, rocks and bones
Hold the gold
Glitter, glitter
As the rain goes
Patter, pitter
On tinny roof, so aloof
To industry surrounding me
Of steel and stones, rocks and bones
Taller than Planets.

We are just aliens
In this tiny world
Fingers curled
Flag unfurled
Salute the stars

The glittering day begins
Hidden by cloud
A holy shroud
Screaming loud
As night flees past

We kick them in the shins
These lowly sentients
How convenient
Our fiery temprement
Demands a sublter art.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

In a time of sunsets
The sun kisses the earth
And blushes
Computer Love

It's a sad change
That's come over us
You're eyes have died

In a static whisper
A gentle surrussus
Inside you are burning.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Long Time No Post

If you just read
She is falling apart
Between the lines.