Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Comedian

I hear Robin Williams
Lost the fight against himself

They say lime-lights
Tug on every crack and crevice
Till you’re terrified of laughter.
Lightning wit to brighten lives
A thunder clap in silence

Everybody knew Robin
Made-up for the camera.
Some kind of super hero
Who prowled his unlit streets

And beat up bad guys in the mirror.
Mine is fated
To question Fate itself
And tell the time
That I am no man's fool


How to be still
And yet to move
Feet and hands and voice
Not lost but found
Entwined with Anothers

How to give
And yet receive
To breathe mountains
And fill valleys.
Is the way straight and wide?
Or do I dangle in orbit
Hopelessly outmatched
Before the luminous Son?

How to feel with phantom limbs
Cut off since that first forbidden fruit,
To press God-sized fingers in the clay,
Feel the music carry me away
Only to find that I’ve been away this whole time

And these are the arms of the Prodigal Father.